Monday, November 17, 2008

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving Is Next Week.Thanksgiving is 10 days away. I guess it means alot of different things to us, depending on how we grew up and the importance our families put on this holiday, and holidays in general. I have alot to be thankful for. I have a beautiful family and few, but close friends. I have relatively good health and a stressful life that I can manage OK. With the economy, money is tight, but we’re all in the same boat. For me, I try to be thankful all the time, and I try to celebrate my life (and my luck) everyday. I try not to be envious of others, and I try not to look over my shoulder and say “What if” (I’m not always successful with that one!). This is a time of the year for celebration and reflection. I try to do both. I hope this Thanksgiving and the entire holiday season is good for you. As in life, it is what you make it. I’m making mine good!
Dr. Rick


  1. timethief
    Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone.
    Then I was and now I am grateful:
    to be alive and to be healthy enough to heal from my head injury, hopefully, without any residual brain damage;
    to have the companionship and support of family, friends (in everyday life & online), and pets who love me;
    to have a home of my own;
    to have food to eat and clothes to wear;
    to make enough money to pay my bills;
    to be able to learn new skills;
    to live in a beautiful environment;
    to live in a community full of self reliant, positively focused and compassionate neighbors;
    to be able to enjoy my life fully.

  2. aningeniousname
    Kittens, rainbows, lolly pops, brown paper parcels tied up with string, snow angels, and puppy's tails.

  3. kerenfathi
    Its hard to be thankful when you have strep infection but here you go
    I am thankful for my family and friends.
    For my beautiful dog
    For the career i have
    for the house that I live in for the life that I am living
    for the good food we eat everyday

  4. plmartins
    We don't celebrate the thanksgiving here n Portugal but I'm very thankful for all the changes that I had in life, for my family that are the best and my friends that I consider special

  5. Sarah: Thanks for joining us. Hope you will be a frequent visitor. We will look forward to your future comments.

    Dr. Rick
