What’s Your View Of The World?
Two people are in a relationship and are smart enough to recognize that getting along and moving ahead involves acknowledgement and compromise. The basis of compromise and resolving disagreements comes from the understanding that two people can look at the same picture and see different things. Both views are correct because that’s your view of the world. Let’s face it, we live our lives by the way we see, hear, and feel the world around us. Each of our perspectives is 100% correct, regardless of what is factually real. There are no absolutes! If we will all be tolerant of other people’s opinions and perceptions, things would run alot smoother.
Dr. Rick
Two people are in a relationship and are smart enough to recognize that getting along and moving ahead involves acknowledgement and compromise. The basis of compromise and resolving disagreements comes from the understanding that two people can look at the same picture and see different things. Both views are correct because that’s your view of the world. Let’s face it, we live our lives by the way we see, hear, and feel the world around us. Each of our perspectives is 100% correct, regardless of what is factually real. There are no absolutes! If we will all be tolerant of other people’s opinions and perceptions, things would run alot smoother.
Dr. Rick
you have good blog