Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you for your insight & honesty re: Fear of Failure

THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS! To All Of You That Posted Comments Re: Fear of Failure:
Thank you for your insights and personal experiences. The concepts of failing, and conversely success, often generate an array of emotions. What motivates us to succeed is extremely important. I agree with the majority of you who commented that fear of failure often motivates us to successses. Some of our greatest inventors, business people, teachers, doctors, attorneys, politicians (and the list goes on and on) have succeeded after one or many failures. They have learned from mistakes and have been energized by their frustrations and disappointments. Where would we be today without their vision and self-assured drive? Your comments have reinforced that many of us use fearing failure as a positive tool. Fewer are disabled or immobilized by failure, but this phenomenon does occur. As one of you wrote, setting lower expectations helps one avoid failure; is this really a solution?
I appreciate your reading the Step-Forum blog. Carmen and I try to write about interesting topics as much as we can, and we post almost daily so subscribe today! Please also visit our website.
Dr. Rick

1 comment:

  1. blindfoldthemoose
    To quote the ever famous Anonymous, 'It is better to shoot for the stars and miss than to aim for the gutter and hit it.'
    To quote Lloyd Jones, 'The men who try to do something and fail
    are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.'
    To quote Ben Franklin, 'Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade.'

    In other words, those who keep low expectations to avoid failure have already failed.
